Equal Districts Storytellers

Do you have a story about how gerrymandering has silenced you or your community?

No matter our color, background or zip code, most of us believe that voters pick our leaders, our leaders should not pick their voters. To determine how we will be represented and how funds for schools, hospitals, and other essential services will be allocated, we come together every decade to draw new district lines that give each of our votes equal weight, each of our voices equal stature, and each of our communities equal resources.

Or at least, that is what’s supposed to happen. But today, a handful of politicians in states across the country rig the process, drawing districts to serve their political interests instead of our communities’ needs.

Together, our stories can unlock the grassroots power we need to make sure our communities get the political power and representation we are entitled to for the next ten year.

Real stories of how Ohio’s rigged maps hurt real people


We Demand The Freedom To Vote


A Victory for Fair School Funding 20+ Years in the Making