All In For Ohio
Regardless of where you live or what you look like, we can all agree that we’re better off when we look out for one another — when we’re all in for Ohio.
Whether that means looking out for our neighbors during the COVID-19 pandemic, marching for Black lives, or making voting safe and accessible, we know that we are stronger when we act together.
All in for Ohio isn’t one organization or even a formal coalition. Instead, we’re a group of allies committed to being all in for Ohio — an Ohio for all of us.
All In For Ohio’s story
In March 2020, a coalition of organizing, policy, and communications experts came together to lead the development of a messaging brand to advance a race-class narrative in Ohio. All In For Ohio was initially conceived of as a coalition-wide messaging response to the COVID-19 crisis and grew to become the framework for our partners’ messaging and organizing work around the protests in defense of Black Lives, strengthening our democracy, and mobilizing voters for the 2020 election.
We intentionally chose a name that was timeless, called to mind our shared values of race-class solidarity in the face of efforts to divide us by those differences, and that could reflect a broad set of progressive issues so that as many partners as possible could plug-in along the way as possible.
No single organization owns All In For Ohio — it is a collaborative campaign. Our goal was to construct a meta-narrative that stretched beyond any individual organization’s mission and instead show what it looks like to lead with our shared values and paint a vision for the future of Ohio that we want to live in where all of us can thrive, regardless of our skin color or how much money we have.
Together we are committed to racial justice, safe & thriving communities, quality health care, strengthening our democracy, and holding our elected officials accountable.
Some of our partners include:
The Ohio Environmental Council